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miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Irregulars Verbs.

  •       + He speaks english today.
  •       - He doesn´t speak english today
  •       ¿Does he speak english today
  •        Yes, he does 
  •        No he does´nt

  • +He breaks the dish today.
  • -He donesn´t break the dish today.
  • ¿Does he breaj the dish today.
  •  Yes, he does 
  •  No he does´nt

  • +  He chooses the book at the library today.
  •  -  He does´nt choose at the library today.
  • ¿ Does he choose the book a library today.
  •  Yes, he does
  •  No, He does´nt

  • GET.
  • She gets a book today
  • She got a book yesterday
  • She is getting a book now
  • She was getting a book last year

  • She forgets a notebook today
  • She forgotten a notebook last week
  • She is forgetting a notebook now
  • She was forgetting a notebook yesterday

  • They freeze the tea today
  • They frozen the tea yesterday
  • They are freezing the tea now
  • They were freezing the tea last year

  • STEAL.
  • The bird stoles the loop today
  • The bird stolen the loop last week
  • The bird is stealing the loop now
  • The bird was stealing the loop yesterday

  • My grandmother weaves today
  • My grandmother weaved yesterday
  • My grandmother is weaving now
  • My grandmother was weaving last week

  • WRITE.
  • I write a book today
  • I written a book yesterday
  • I am writtig a book now
  • i was writting a book last week

  • DRIVE.
  • You drive a car today
  • You driven a car last week
  • You are driving a car now
  • You were driving a car yesterday

  • RISE.
  • I rise to the last floor of the building today
  • I risen to the last floor of the building last week
  • I am rising to the last floor of the building now
  • I was rising to the last floor of the buildind yesterday

  • ARISE.
  • He arises at 7 am today
  • He arisen at 7am yesterday
  • He is arising at 7am now
  • He was arising at 7am lat week

  • RIDE.
  • He rides in the bike today
  • He ridden in the bike yesterday
  • He riding in the bike now
  • He was riding in the bike yesterday

  • I strive in the school today
  • I striven in the school last week
  • I am striving in the school now
  • I was striving in the school yesterday

  • It thrives in the garden today
  • It thrived in te garden yesterday
  • It is thriving in the garden now
  • It was thriving in the garden last week

  • TEAR.
  • He tears a paper today
  • He torn a paper yesterday
  • He is tearing a paper now
  • He was tearing a paper last week

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